Tuesday, July 31, 2012


1.The Applicant must complete the C&D-G Notice of Intent (NOI) form.
2. Within sixty (60) days after submittal of the NOI, the applicant is required to provide proof of publication of a "public notice" along with a copy of the public notice that has been published once in the local newspaper serving the location of the proposed discharge or, in the absence of a local newspaper, in a newspaper with a general circulation at that location.
3. Every item on the form must be filled out.
4. The applicant must file an original and one copy of the completed form, a marked USGS Quadrangle map (or equivalent) and the site/flow diagrams. 
5. Completion of the NOI may not fulfill all state, federal or local requirments for facilities or operations of your specific size and type. 
5. If your dischare is into a state highway ditch, cross-ditch, or right-of-way you must get approval from DOTD and DHH.  
CAUTION: To obtain coverage the water of the state actually receiving the discharge must be identified; if the discharge initially enters a storm water collection system or unnamed ditch, the first named waterbody receiving the discharge must be identified.  The public notice must be published once and proof of publication along with a copy of the public notice and the date of publication must be provided by the applicant to this Office within sixty (60) days after submitting the completed NOI.  The notice shall be published immediately after submittal of the NOI. (Facilities with a valid NPDES or LPDES individual permit are not required to public notice their intent to seek coverage under this general permit.) If the applicant does not provide the required proof of publication within sixty (60) after submitting the NOI, the NOI will be considered withdrawn and the facility file will be inactivated.  In order to activate an inactive file, the applicant will be required to submit a new NOI and with the required proof of publication.