Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The LDEQ, Office of Environmental Services, is accepting written comments on a  Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) permit prepared for Rain CII Carbon LLC, Lake Charles Calcining Plant, 1920 Pak Tank Road Sulphur, LA 70665.  The facility is located 1920 Pak Tank Road in Sulphur, Calcasieu  Parish.  Upon the effective date of the final permit, the LPDES permit shall replace the previously issued LPDES permit.

The principal discharge from this  source  made into the Calcasieu River, waters of the state classified for primary contact recreation, secondary contact recreation and propagation of fish and wildlife.  Under the SIC  2999 & 4991, the applicant proposes to discharge process wastewater, utility wastewater, process and non process area stormwater, cooling tower blowdown, and treated sanitary wastewater from an existing petroleum coke calcining plant.

During the preparation of this permit, it has been determined that the discharge will have no adverse impact on the existing uses of the receiving waterbody.  As with any discharge, however, some change in existing water quality may occur.

This permit was processed as an expedited permit in accordance with LAC 33:I.Chapter 18.

Comments and requests for a public hearing or notification of the final decision can be submitted via personal delivery, U.S. mail, email, or fax. Comments and  requests for public hearings must be received by 4:30 pm CST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2012.  Delivery may be made to the drop-box at 602 N. 5th St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802.  U.S. Mail may be sent to LDEQ, Public Participation Group, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313.  Emails may be submitted to DEQ.PUBLICNOTICES@LA.GOV and faxes sent to (225) 219-3309.

Please see additional instructions for comment submission, hand delivery and information regarding electronic submission  at or call (225) 219-3276.  Emails should follow the statewide email policies.  For more information regarding statewide email policies, go to

If LDEQ finds a significant degree of public interest, a public hearing will be held.  LDEQ will send notification of the final permit decision to the applicant and to each person who has submitted written comments or a written request for notification of the final decision.

The permit application, draft permit, and  are available for review at the LDEQ, Public Records Center, Room 127, 602 North 5th Street, Baton Rouge, LA.  Viewing hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).  The available information can also be accessed electronically on the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) on the DEQ public website at

Inquiries or requests for additional information regarding this permit action should be directed to Amy Exnicios, LDEQ, Water Permits Division, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313, phone (225) 219-4073.

Permit public notices including electronic access to the draft permit and statement of basis can be viewed at the LDEQ permits public notice webpage at and general information related to the public participation in permitting activities can be viewed at

Alternatively, individuals may elect to receive the permit public notices via email by subscribing to the LDEQ permits public notice List Server at

All correspondence should specify AI Number 3439, Permit Number LA0054062, and Activity Number PER20120001

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What is a Point Source? What are Waters of the State?

In the context of Louisiana Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permits the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, DEQ, defines a Point Source as: any discernable, confined, and discrete conveyance such as a pipe or a ditch.

– Waters of the State - are defined as: all surface waters within the state of Louisiana and, on the coastline of Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico, all surface waters extending there from 3 miles into the Gulf of Mexico

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bengal Pipeline Company LPDES application

The LDEQ, Office of Environmental Services, is accepting written comments on a  Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) permit prepared for Bengal Pipeline Company, LLC, Baton Rouge Tank Farm, 1476 Highway 61, Jackson, Louisana  70748.  The facility is located at 1476 Highway 61, Jackson, East Feliciana Parish.  Upon the effective date of the final permit, the LPDES permit shall replace the previously issued LPDES permit.

The principal discharge from this  source  made into Thompson Creek via Sandy Creek via local drainage, waters of the state classified for primary contact recreation, secondary contact recreation and propagation of fish and wildlife.  Under the SIC  4613, the applicant proposes to discharge stormwater runoff, equipment washwater, fire systems test water, and building and general housekeeping wastewaters from an existing breakout tank facility.

During the preparation of this permit, it has been determined that the discharge will have no adverse impact on the existing uses of the receiving waterbody.  As with any discharge, however, some change in existing water quality may occur.

Comments and requests for a public hearing or notification of the final decision can be submitted via personal delivery, U.S. mail, email, or fax.  Comments and  requests for public hearings must be received by 4:30 pm CST, Wednesday, September 26, 2012.  Delivery may be made to the drop-box at 602 N. 5th St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802.  U.S. Mail may be sent to LDEQ, Public Participation Group, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313.  Emails may be submitted to DEQ.PUBLICNOTICES@LA.GOV and faxes sent to (225) 219-3309.

Please see additional instructions for comment submission, hand delivery and information regarding electronic submission  at or call (225) 219-3276.  Emails should follow the statewide email policies.  For more information regarding statewide email policies, go to

If LDEQ finds a significant degree of public interest, a public hearing will be held.  LDEQ will send notification of the final permit decision to the applicant and to each person who has submitted written comments or a written request for notification of the final decision.

The permit application, draft permit, additional information and  are available for review at the LDEQ, Public Records Center, Room 127, 602 North 5th Street, Baton Rouge, LA.  Viewing hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).  The available information can also be accessed electronically on the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) on the DEQ public website at

Inquiries or requests for additional information regarding this permit action should be directed to Elizabeth Johnson, LDEQ, Water Permits Division, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313, phone (225) 219-3526.

All correspondence should specify AI Number 588, Permit Number LA0119547, and Activity Number PER20120001.

For more information about Montgomery Barnett, LLP, visit our web site.

Pesticide General Permit

State, Parish and municipalities engaged in mosquito spraying, roadside weed control, and the use of pesticides, see: DEQ's overview of pesticide permits.  The General Permit went into effect October 31, 2011. A NOI (Notice of Intent) is not required. But you  must apply pesticides according to the FIFRA label and you must be certified and licensed by the LDAF.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to Obtain Exterior Vehicle Wash Wastewater NOI


Please check:

Initial Permit
Agency Interest No.

Existing Facility
LWDPS Permit No.

Proposed/New Facility

Modified Coverage

Office of Environmental Services, Water Permits Division
Post Office Box 4313
Baton Rouge, LA 70821‑4313
PHONE#: (225) 219-3181



(Attach additional pages if needed.)

This NOI is for
(check one):

Portable Coverage

Site-Specific Coverage

A.   Permit is to be issued to the following: (must have operational control over the facility operations - see LAC 33:IX.2501.B and LAC 33:IX.2503.A and B).
1.    Legal Name of Applicant
(Company, Partnership, Corporation, etc.)

Facility Name

Mailing Address

Zip Code:

If applicant named above is not also the owner, state owner name, phone # and address.

Please check status:








2.  Location of facility.  Please provide a specific street, road, highway, interstate, and/or River Mile/Bank location of the facility for which the NOI is being submitted.


Zip Code


Front Gate Coordinates:








Method of Coordinate Determination:

(Quad Map, Previous Permit, website, GPS)

Is the facility located on Indian Lands? 




3.  Name & Title of   
     Contact Person at Facility




B.  Name and address of responsible representative who completed the NOI:

Name & Title






C.  Facility Information. 



If yes, refer to Appendix A to determine sanitary wastewater flow.

Does this facility conduct vehicle/equipment maintenance/repairs?  If yes explain: 

SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code(s):

SIC codes can be obtained from the U. S. Department of Labor internet site at

For Portable Pressure Washing Operations:  Each portable unit must have its own permit number.  You should submit one complete NOI form for each portable pressure-washing unit that you plan to use.   If you are permitting more than one portable pressure washing unit please provide a description that can be used to distinguish this portable unit from your other portable unit(s).  Mobile Unit #1, Mobile Unit #2, Portable Unit #1, Portable Unit #2, Truck #1, Truck #2, Baton Rouge Area Unit, New Orleans Area Unit, etc. are typical descriptions. 
Discharges Requiring Approval from the Division of Historic Preservation:

If this NOI is being completed for a facility that has not yet been constructed, you should contact the Section 106 Review Coordinator in the Office of Cultural Development, Archaeology Division  (P. O. Box 44247, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 or telephone (225) 342-8170) to determine if construction activities or the proposed discharges will adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places

This is an existing facility and no construction activities related to this NOI are proposed.

This is a new facility and construction activities were completed prior to the submission of this NOI form.

This is a proposed facility and construction activities are not yet complete but I have obtained approval from the State Historic Preservation Officer for the proposed construction activities.   (You must keep a copy of the approval letter on file with your facility’s permit records and compliance records.)

Complete this section only if you are applying for SITE-SPECIFIC permit coverage.  An Outfall is the point at which wastewater is monitored prior to mixing with other waters.  An outfall can be identified either at the point that effluent discharges by pipe from a treatment plant or treatment system or the point at which effluent discharges into a roadside ditch, into a storm drain, or directly into a receiving water body such as a creek, coulee, bayou, canal or river.   An internal outfall is an outfall for a waste stream that combines with other waste stream(s) before discharging into an external outfall.   You should read Section B – Effluent Limitations of the permit before completing this section of the NOI.  You should place an “X” in the column next to any of the outfall numbers for all types of discharges that occur at your facility.  The outfall numbers listed below correspond to the outfall numbers listed in the permit, which are the only types of discharges that are permissible under the general permit.  If more than one outfall of a particular type occurs at a facility, then each separate outfall point should be clearly identified as RLP 1 Outfall 01A, RLP 1 Outfall 01B, RLP 1 Outfall 01C, or RLP 2 Outfall 02A, RLP 2 Outfall 02B, RLP 2 Outfall 02C, etc.

Facility Discharge1
Outfall No2
Outfall Description
Outfall Location3
(complete this column for each outfall that occurs at your facility)

RLP 1 Outfall 001
Exterior vehicle and equipment wash wastewater

RLP 1 Outfall 01A
Exterior vehicle and equipment wash wastewater

RLP 1 Outfall 01B
Exterior vehicle and equipment wash wastewater

RLP 2 Outfall 002
Treated sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 2 Outfall 02A
Treated sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 2 Outfall 02B
Treated sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 3 Outfall 003
Commingled discharges of treated vehicle wash and sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 3 Outfall 03A
Commingled discharges of treated vehicle wash and sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 3 Outfall 03B
Commingled discharges of treated vehicle wash and sanitary wastewater less than 5,000 gpd

RLP 4 Outfall 004
Wastewaters from portable washing operations discharged from a centralized location

RLP 4 Outfall 04A
Wastewaters from portable washing operations discharged from a centralized location

RLP 4 Outfall 04B
Wastewaters from portable washing operations discharged from a centralized location


Place an “X” in the appropriate box(es) in this column for all outfalls that will occur at the permitted site. 

RLP 1 Outfall 001, RLP 2 Outfall 002, RLP 3 Outfall 003, RLP 4 Outfall 004, and/or RLP 5 Outfall 005 should be used if you have only one outfall of this type of wastewater and/or storm water.  RLP 1 Outfall 01A, RLP 1 Outfall 01B, RLP 2 Outfall 02A, RLP 2 Outfall 02B, etc., should be used in instances where you have more than one outfall of that type of wastewater and/or storm water.  If you have three or more outfalls of any listed wastewater and/or storm water you should write in the appropriate Outfall No. (RLP 1 Outfall 01C, RLP 1 Outfall 01D, RLP 2 Outfall 02C, RLP 2 Outfall 02D, etc.) in one of the blank columns and fill in the outfall location for that discharge.

This should be the point at which a sample of the discharge will be collected.  Examples of outfall locations could be (but are not limited to):  at the point of discharge from the settling basin located at the northeast corner of the facility; at the point of discharge from the washrack; at the southwest corner of the facility; or at the point of discharge from the STP located near the office building. 

List any treatment that is utilized prior to discharge.  Write “None” if wastewater is not treated prior to discharge. 

Discharge Information:

Receiving Waters

Indicate how the wastewater reaches state waters (named water bodies).  This will usually be either directly, by open ditch (if it is a highway ditch, indicate the highway), or by pipe.  You should specifically name all of the minor water bodies that your wastewater will travel through on the way to a major water body.  This information can be obtained from U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Maps (See Section III).  Include river mile of discharge point if available.  If a discharge enters an unnamed water body, identify it as unnamed. 

Complete the discharge route and receiving stream information for all the outfalls at your facility. If all the outfalls discharge by the same route (i.e., open ditch) and into the same receiving stream, then you need only complete the first Outfall Number(s) section, however, you should list all the outfall numbers that you identified on pages 4-6 of 13 of this form.  If different outfalls discharge by different routes or into different receiving streams then complete as many of the Outfall Number(s) sections as necessary to properly characterize all outfalls.  If you need additional space, please attach a separate sheet and use the same format to supply the additional discharge route and receiving stream information for other outfalls. 

Outfall Numbers (s)


(effluent pipe, ditch, etc.)

thence into

(Parish drainage ditch, canal, etc.)

thence into

(named bayou, creek, stream, etc.)

thence into

(river, lake, etc.)

Outfall Numbers (s)


(effluent pipe, ditch, etc.)

thence into

(Parish drainage ditch, canal, etc.)

thence into

(named bayou, creek, stream, etc.)

thence into

(river, lake, etc.)

Outfall Numbers (s)


(effluent pipe, ditch, etc.)

thence into

(Parish drainage ditch, canal, etc.)

thence into

(named bayou, creek, stream, etc.)

thence into

(river, lake, etc.)

(You do not need to complete this section of the NOI if you are applying for
statewide/portable permit coverage – proceed to Section IV.)
Site Diagram.  Attach to this NOI a complete site diagram of your facility showing the boundaries of your facility, the location of all buildings and/or storage areas, the location of treatment units (such as settling basins, wash racks, sewage treatment plants), and demonstrate how the wastewater flows through your facility into each clearly labeled discharge point.  Indicate stormwater flow pattern with arrows on this diagram or provide additional diagrams if needed.  Please indicate the location of the front gate or entrance to the facility on the site diagram.  The diagram need not be to scale. 
Topographic Map.  Applicants for portable pressure washing operations are not required to provide a topographic map with this NOI.  For site specific coverage, attach to this NOI a map or a copy of a section of the map which has been highlighted to show the path of your wastewater from your facility to the first named water body.  The highlighted map must be attached to BOTH NOIs that are submitted to LDEQ (i.e., the original NOI and the copy of the NOI).   Include on the map the area extending at least one mile beyond your property boundaries.  Indicate the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed discharge structures, and any existing hazardous waste treatment storage or disposal facilities.  Waterways and streets/highways must be clearly identified by name on the map. 

A U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 scale map (7.5' Quadrangle) would be appropriate for this item.  Appropriate maps can be obtained from local government agencies such as DOTD or the Office of Public Works.  Maps can also be obtained online at or  Private map companies can also supply you with these maps.  If you cannot locate a map through these sources you can contact the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development at:
1201 Capitol Access Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225) 379-1107
Flow Diagram.  Attach a line drawing of the water flow through the facility with a water balance showing operations contributing wastewater to the effluent and treatment units.  The water balance must show average and maximum flows at intake and discharge points and between units, including treatment units.  If a water balance cannot be determined, the applicant may provide instead a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures.  Hand drawn maps are acceptable.